In the mirror of Vincent

In honor of Vincent Van Gogh, I shall not add any pictures or paintings to this page. I'll never be able to accurately pinpoint him or his art, no matter how hard I try. So I'm not even going to attempt. 

Vincent visiting the gallery with Doctor Who is, in my opinion, the most touching scene in television history. I cried because it moved me so much. After then, I learned about the great Vincent Van Gogh. I am not a deserving art critic. However, I admire the man. 

He appeared to be struggling to find his place in the universe. A perplexed, befuddled individual who didn't know where he belonged. Perhaps he did. I want to find out more about him.

It looks like he struggled to find his place in this universe. A confused and baffled  person who did not know where he belonged. May be he did. I intend to learn more about him. Because I'm perplexed as well. What I'm doing today is exactly what I wanted to do when I was in high school. However, I am currently under the impression that I am not good enough. Vincent's journey inspires me, but he was a genius, and I don't feel like I am.

I'm not here to write a dissertation. I simply want Vincent to know that he has always been, is still being, and will always be cherished.


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